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How it works? Prime and Probe

All the illustrations used in this post was made with Excalidraw - If you want to use high quality, hand drawn looking illustrations in your project, consider using Excalidraw   If you haven't read the previous installment of How it works? Flush and Reload I highly recommend reading it because I'll be reusing the terminologies I explain there such as Inclusive Cache, Copy on Write, Timers and would make understanding the concept discussed here more easier. If you understand how caching works, you can dive right ahead. If you like watching a video as opposed to reading, I suggest watching the video by Chester Rebeiro, IIT Madras - Prime+Probe created as a part of NPTEL online course.  In the last article we saw how flushing a cache line and timing a reload of a shared data can help us piece together secret stored in victim's address space when the victim process is being executed on the adjacent thread that share the same cache as the attacker thread. In this article we...

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How it works? Flush and Reload